The thing about cons is, I don’t have the best luck traveling back home afterwards. And even if the trip itself turns out okay, I’m usually the only person from the on on the ride home which is… weird. So actually having a bus full of other geeks is a rare, cool occurrence… which I totally space out on this time.

So, that’s all for the Katsucon comics FOR THE MOMENT, but here’s the thing: I’ve built up another large pile of unused comic ideas, and since Animazement is still a while off, WE’RE HAVING ANOTHER OUTTAKE FEST! So tune in next Wednesday when we start off with some outtakes from… um… I dunno, I forget where the last outtake series ended. Well SOME kind of filler will be here next Wednesday, so come back for that!

(Historical Notes: Okay, I appreciate that Past Me is starting to get a BIT more honest about things here, though there’s still this desperate attempt to imply the “aww shucks, other geeks are fun!” act of the previous comics are the norm and THIS is the exception.  So, only a BIT more honest.)