Lest you think I’m even more out of it than I actually am, I DID know they were shutting down the Crystal City Metro station already. It was announced well in advance, and even before that, I was feeling kinda genre savvy about the whole thing. It just seemed funnier if I seemed to be caught by surprise, thought I now think that triumphant Yoink moment sells the page by itself.

It;s a good thing, too, ‘cos this wasn’t SUPPOSED to be the last page. Originally, this was just the set up for the actual trip home. See, I really DID have a travel mishap about as dumb as my Baltimore journey, but that ended up being one of the pages I dropped to make sure this update was finished on time. Oh well, more outtakes to look forward to, I guess.

And that’s it for Anime USA 2011! I hope you enjoyed it! The usual filler pages will pick up again next Wednesday, but actual convention coverage MIGHT pick up sooner than usual. Katsucon’s not ’till February, but I’m HOPING to go to MAGfest in January. That’d be the first time CW added a new convention in… well, ever! I’m not certain it’ll actually happen yet, though, so don’t hold me to that. Either way, look forward to some (probably) Christmas-y comics over the next couple of weeks!

(Historical Notes: To both clarify things for anyone who isn’t sure what I’m talking about AND to give myself another reason to dump on the whole experience of living in DC, here’s the deal.  The Crystal City Metro station was shut down for renovations over AUSA weekend, and since all that Arlington stuff isn’t in DC proper, alternate routes were much harder to come by than they’d be for someplace in the city.  As I’ve complained several times already, this whole system works great if EVRYTHING works, but it just takes one component breaking down to leave you completely stranded… ESPECIALLY if you’ve got an abnormal amount of stuff to carry at an abnormal time of day and can’t afford to blow a big wad of cash on a taxi (that’s what old people used before Uber, kids).  Oh, there was a temporary measure in place to make up for the lapse in Metro service, but as I said up above, that’s a story to be told at a later date…)