So, it was fairly common knowledge from the start that this would be the final Anime USA in the Hyatt Regency. Personally, I couldn’t be happier. It’s very well documented that I just don’t like the Hyatt very much, so I’m especially happy about the move to the Marriott Wardman Park next year.

Still, it made the feedback panel a little odd. I mean, how do you talk about panel rooms being to small when you know perfectly well that you’ll probably never have to see them again? …actually, no. Scratch that. Half the cons to ever happen on the East Coast have taken place at the Hyatt at least once (heck, even Otakon was there) so I’m sure I’ll see the place again at SOME point.

But I digress. The point is, I think they ran out of ways to say “Dude, just wait until NEXT year” before long.

(Historical Notes: It’s always a weird experience being at a convention you know isn’t going to be at that same location next year.  At least, for me it is.  I imprint on places pretty hard, so it’s preemptively disorienting to know stuff is about to change, even if it’s something I don’t especially like.  Also, despite all those assumptions, I never have wound up back at the Hyatt for anything since AUSA moved, and with my out-of-state travel getting more and more uncommon, I’m not sure if I ever will.  That just makes 2011 even weirder to think about.)