Is it fully being expressed that I don’t really like the Hyatt Regency? I mean, it’s nice enough as a hotel, and I don’t mean to come of like a malcontent, but I just plain don’t like the Convention Center. *sigh*

By the way, I highly endorse Far Out there and strongly encourage everyone reading this to check it out …not like I’m biased or anything 😀

(Historical Note: Two things to expand on here.  First, to elaborate on what you’re actually looking at, cell phone reception down past the entrance level of the lobby was TERRIBLE back in the day.  I have no idea what it’s like here in the smartphone era, but back in the day you just plain did not receive calls or texts if you went downstairs.  At the time, I heard all this stuff about how the DC area was severely weak on cell phone for fear that signal boosting equipment could be used as spy equipment… but these days I’m much more inclined to believe some architects did a crap job digging a big hole in the ground over any vast bureaucratic conspiracy.  Second, the SmackJeeves posting of this comic had a note where I was conflicted over whether I should post a link to Far Out There’s Drunk Duck page or the SJ one, as the former kind of sucked but the latter was very incomplete.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.)