Here it is, folks! The shiny new Conventional Wisdom website! …sort of.  Obviously, I’ve still got a long way to go in actually getting the layout perfected… and moving all the actual comics over here… and doing the same with Far Out There’s new website AND the new Blitz the Comic Guy site.  It’s exciting to be setting up something brand new and specifically mine and all that, but MAN this is gonna be a lot of work.  So in the meantime, keep watching Twitter and Tumblr and Instagram and Facebook for news as I to sort this whole mess out.

The current plan is to have the site set so that this page always comes up first, as sort of a warning to anyone who doesn’t know what’s up.  I’ll just post and post and post pages, and once I get all caught up, I’ll change the settings so that the homepage takes you to the newest comic.  Hopefully that won’t take TOO stupidly long…