There, see? I TOLD you I’d actually do it this week!

Yeah, this was supposed to be what page 16 was leading up to, but I was already running late, so it got cut. All in all, it was the right call, since the build up was actually a lot funnier than this would have been. Still, here’s your chance to bask in my continued inability to get home from a con without incident!

(for those of you too lazy to read my comments on page 16, the story was this: I wrote the metro down to the con without any problems whatsoever. Unfortunately, this is the DC Metro system we’re talking about, which has never operated at more than %47 in human history, and the Crystal City station was closed Sunday. There was a series of shuttle buses to back into town, though, and… I think you can figure out the rest on your own. But yeah, if you saw some dufus dragging luggage back and forth Crystal City that night, that was me)

(Historical Notes:  Huh, I’d actually forgotten that the Crystal City station was even open on the way down.  I took a bus from the station to the hotel, but I guess that was just a standard issue “we know you’re to lazy to walk three blocks, so we’ll carry you” shuttle.  I feel slightly less bad in retrospect now.  Slightly.)