That’s one thing I really do miss about the otherwise inconvenient van rides from Raleigh: ending the con with a road trip with your fellow Otaku. Going straight from the convention to a subway filled with office workers and some tourists is a really unpleasant experience. Thus, I was really glad to make this trip in the company of other former con-goers for once.

Even better, I didn’t get lost for once! The biggest “disaster” this trip home was that the food court in Union Station was already closed. How cool is THAT?

(Historical Notes: Past Me did a really good job of painting a picture of himself as an outgoing social being, at lest where other geeks are concerned.  He really should lie like that.  Admittedly, I was caught up in the buzz of the convention enough to actually talk to people on the ride home like the comic suggests, I even swapped phone numbers with a few of them so we could stay in touch… I them proceeded to never see a single one of them again and have massive anxiety attacks whenever one of them would make any attempt to contact me because EEW EEW OTHER PEOPLE SOCIAL INTERACTION BAD STAY AWAY!  Yeah, the downward spiral started to get pretty bad after this point.  These Historical Notes are really gonna start getting depressing for a while.)