This may be one of my favorite Conventional Wisdoms ever. Just sayin’.

Yeah… they did a pretty dang good job of getting us all fired up for the 20th anniversary next year.

Yes, Otakon The Game is a real, actual thing… or will be soon. Behold Crisis Heart Brawlers!

If you don’t know what Mystery Anime Theater 300 is, you must have started going to Otakon the same time as me, ‘cos they stopped doing it right before I started going. I can’t wait to actually see the thing next year!

And that JAM Project concert? Wanna know why it’s November when the next Otakon is in August? Behold The Otakon Music Festival!

…sadly, though, I did make up the bit about TARDIS rides. I am ashamed.

EDIT: The Official Otakon Game Kickstarter is up and running!

(Historical Notes: Okay, I’ve danced around this for a while, because I don’t like reporting on con drama that I wasn’t directly involved in, and even then it’s not my favorite… but there’s no avoiding it here.  Dave Lister was a regular fixture of conventions here on the East Coast, hawking his webcomics and indie games.  In 2012, as part of the anniversary celebrations, Otakon tapped him to create a side-scrolling beat ’em up starring Otakon’s mascots that would be called Crisis Heart Brawlers.  As you may have guessed from the no-links-anymore up in the comments, the game was crowdfunded… and the more genre-savvy of you already have the “Kickscammers” theme playing in your head right now.  Yes, like so many other indie projects trying to go big, development slowed down, communication dried up, available demos were underwhelming, and eventually the whole thing fell apart.  Otakon revoked permission to use its branding and cut all ties, and Lister pretty much vanished from the con scene and the internet entirely.  As I’ve said before, I’m in no position to judge anybody else for missing deadlines and not delivering on what people paid money for… but dang, man.  At least my constant disappointments are kept on the small scale.  And it’s a shame I have to drag all that up, because this really was one of the most popular pages of Conventional Wisdom for a while.  They even re-posted it on the official Otakon tumblr!  I just wanna focus on THAT!)