You’d think no one’s ever carried a small robot puppet on the public transportation system of Northwest DC before.

Still, compared to previous trips home, getting back from Intervention was remarkably easy… well, as easy as can be expected when the metro stops just before mine are closed all weekend. Whee.

SO! That’s it for my first every Intervention coverage! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Next up, we’re back to familiar territory… that won’t actually be familiar at all. Next con is Anime USA, at a BRAND NEW VENUE! Will things be better than than at the Hyatt? Will the con crumble under the pressures of the new hotel? FIND OUT SOON!

In the mean time, the usual filler comics will resume next Wednesday… HEY! I finally got an update online on time! WOW!

(Historical Notes: Just to beat the dead horse a little more, Past Me is greatly glossing over the fact that what probably should have been the easier con commute ever involved hoping across multiple trains and buses because the DC Metro system wasn’t working properly.  Even though the prospect of using it to get to cons was one of my main reasons for moving up there.  I HAVE to keep bringing it up, because Past Me is trying so hard to ignore it.)