So, yeah.  Not content with hopping into the time machine and getting Power Rangers back, Saban is once again in charge of bringing Digimon to the rest of the globe.  I’d say more here, but I think I pretty much summed up all my feelings in the comic.  My feelings on how Xros Wars (or, more specifically, Young Hunters) ended up have been well established elsewhere, so there’s not much point in repeating myself.

Honestly, I’m more exited at the prospect of the show FINALLY getting a complete DVD treatment. WHAT TOOK SO LONG, PEOPLE?

(Historical Notes: Another horribly dated comic, not so much for the time-sensitive news as for me actually feeling the need to speculate about things that hadn’t happened yet.  I mean, as I write this, the last Digimon Tri movie is looming and Psi will be coming after that… and I just don’t care.  I mean, yes, I CARE; in the sense that I’ll watch them once they come out and will have opinions on what I’ve seen afterwards.  But as far as theories and armchair producing and generally wasting energy thinking about things I have absolutely no control over?  Screw that waste of life.  Until it’s actually in front of me to directly react to, it doesn’t exist.  Besides, I don’t think I ever actually watched more than a few brief clips of Digimon: Fusion anyway.)