So, uh… yeah. I totally forgot that I still had a page to do this week. Guess that buffer of Digimon comics spoiled me, huh?

But yeah, the promised new set of outtake comics won’t happen for at least another week. I need time to go through my notes and try to remember what the heck those unused ideas even WERE.

(Historical Notes: So… yeah. Reading back over these, I’m surprised at how little I explicitly acknowledged it, but I had basically gone crazy by this point.  Like, it’s not even hyperbole, my mental and emotional state had literally decayed to a point below what anyone could classify as “sane.”  I’ve told this story elsewhere, but by this final stage of my time in DC, I’d developed this neurosis about my housemates ever seeing any sign that I lived there.  And I don’t just mean I avoided running into anyone in the hall, I mean I was paranoid to put my trash in a trashcan where somebody might see it.  Instead, I’d let garbage in my room pile up in, like, empty Chipotle bags until I had enough to fill my backpack, then I’d sneak out of the house at 2am and dump it in a public trashcan a few blocks away.  This is not the behavior of a person of sound mental health.  You can see why I eventually decided that a complete overhaul of my life situation was in order.  So just know that any time you’ve been seeing one of these completely random non-jokes where I was “too busy” to come up with anything else, it’s at least partially because I was literally losing my mind.)