I don’t know what it is, things just go wrong when I’m traveling home from conventions. Getting out there is generally fine, but once it’s time to head back, everything goes wonky. This little bus mishap is probably the worst yet.

Also, you have to understand: the scheduled departure time for this trip was 11:30 PM. Tack two and a half hours onto THAT… AND the ten hour drive once we finally got on the road. Yeah… Monday really sucked.

Well, that’s Anime Boston 2012! Animazement is the end of next month, and we’ll have the usual weekly filler comics until then. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go sleep…

(Historical Notes: Yeeeeeaaaaah, I really undersold just what a miserable trip this was.  For my griping on the previous page about how long the ride from Durham to Boston was, it really wasn’t BAD, just long.  It was also in a different kind of bus than this was.  That first trip was the only time I ever saw a Megabus that was just a regular bus, every trip after that was on a double-decker… which were MUCH more cramped than the regular buses.  So I was already getting bused knees from the smooshed seating to begin with, compounded by having to wait on the pavement because Megabus just rented random spots on the street as its stops, AND THEN THE LATENESS HAPPENED.  This wasn’t just a case of the engine having trouble, it was some kind of COMPUTER problem.  Apparently Megabus installs some kind of proprietary computer interface in its buses, and they won’t start up if the system is down… and nobody could get out of bet to come fix it until around 2 AM.  The bus was so behind schedule that when we stopped in Philadelphia, people were already lied up for the NEXT bus.  I swore off Megabus after this, and would do all my subsequent out of town travel via Greyhound… which makes that cover page eerily prophetic.)