I’ve been wanting to do another Rob Liefeld parody for a while (yes, it’s actually happened once before) and My Little Pony seemed like enough of an excuse to try it again. Could it have something to do with the MASSIVE traffic spike that happened the last time I mentioned Ponies in a comic? Naw, that’s ridiculous.

To be honest, though, I’m not sure this was really a great idea. The the most hilariously bad aspects of classic Liefeldian art – grotesquely impossible muscles, pointless pouches and shoulder pads, stupidly EXTREME attitude – are most obvious in MALE characters. The classic Liefeld woman is just bewbs and Barbie legs wrapped in spandex, over and over again. Nowhere near as interesting, but what can you do when Equestria is apparently 99% female? Worse, since most of these characters have hooves instead of hands, I couldn’t think of a way to incorporate guns and swords and whatnot. What’s a Dark Age comic without pathetically oversized EDGY weapons? Honestly, I think this thing is a more entertaining take on the idea, I’m guess I’m just not EXTREME enough.

On the positive side, I DID get to draw Spike as a scruffy, cigar-chomping Wolverine knock-off, and I think that’s a win. Plus, crazy crossovers are never not funny, everPeriod.

(Oh hey, because I’m lazy, the Top WebComics Voting Incentive for the previous Pony comic is still up. So, you know, you can always vote for Conventional Wisdom and see it!)