So, once again, I brilliantly wait until everyone in the history of EVER has parodied a show before getting to it myself. Does the world of Otakudom need ANOTHER Gurren Lagann joke? YES, I say! Besides, when’s the last time anyone made a joke about Eureka Seven? THERE’S a show that more people need to bring up again (if I do say so myself)

That logo’s a little annoying to me, though. I would have liked it to be a lot bigger, but I couldn’t find a larger version on short notice. DARN YOU INTERNET! You have failed me once again!!!

(Historical Notes: This was one of my periodic scrambles to come up with material that could more easily go viral by attaching itself to a currently popular thing.  As always, it floundered because I fell out of touch with currently popular things fairly quickly, and now it’s more of an unintended period piece.  Of course, what REALLY bugs me is that this is yet another comic that would have been a great vehicle for Yoink, but I still hadn’t introduced her yet.  What is UP with that scheduling?)