Oh man, this one took FOREVER to get done. Admittedly, that’s partially because I started drawing it and a friend’s house and honestly forgot to finish it when I got back. What, you think I could pound out an Eva with even this little detail without some photo references?

So, yeah. I’ve been watching Digimon 02 on Funimation’s site lately, and it’s every bit as much fun as I remember. Digimon will always hold a special place in my heart as the show that really turned me into an Otaku. Sure, Pokemon was the first anime I could watch regularly (see last week’s page) but Digimon was the first one I really, truly geeked out over. I did the whole shebang, man: fanfics, fan art, endless nerdy forum debates, original characters (we called ’em FDDs, or “Fan DigiDestined” back then), the whole nine yards. I even had a pretty darn huge fansite on Geocities at one point. Good times, man. Good times…

Oh, but just in case you’re wondering, my feelings about Evangelion are nowhere near as rosy as Digimon. This is just the most recognizable anime beastie I could think of on short notice.

(Historical Notes: I can’t believe that, even a full decade ago, I was already talking about my Digimon fandom run as “back in the day.”  That isn’t even so much depressing as it is just disorienting.  The linear passage of time is WEIRD.)