The Infinite Canvas strikes again! I know, this really is too long a page, and Grumbles really ought to have gotten a full page introduction like the other mascots, but I was kind of in a bind. See, this is one of the few times that I’ve stumbled onto a comic idea that was genuinely topical, and I didn’t want to push it back a week just to set up the identity of the narrator.

Looking at it now, though, I kind of regret scrambling to get this page out right away. See, as I wrote it, I found myself struggling to think of suitably awful remakes of awesomely goofy things. I mean, I knew how they usually turned out bad, but as a result, I usually forget about them right away. Now that it’s too late to change anything, I really wish I’d picked a more appropriate film that Josie & The Pussycats for that second example. Oh well, maybe we’ll fix that for the 20th Anniversary Special Edition.

Oh, and just for the record, I WAS one of those five people who actually saw Grindhouse in theaters, so I really WOULD like to see a faithful, retro, rubber-suit Godzilla. I’m just enough of a realist to know that it’s not gonna happen.

(Historical Notes: OOOOOooooooh there is SO much about this page I would never do today.  Or, at the very least, that I would save for a ConCONcon page where it wouldn’t become as badly dated as a comic about real stuff has.  Can you believe there was once a time when nobody actually knew how the Legendary Films thing would turn out?  Or that nobody had any idea what “Pacific Rim” would be?  Or, heck, that I actually WOULD be revisiting these old comics again, just around the 10th anniversary instead of the 2oth?  But yeah, a painfully dated comic now, and I can’t be bothered to keep up with stuff enough to try and sound current anyway.)