Okay, I doubt you need me to point this out for you, but this week’s page is a little rougher than usual. To tell you the truth, I kind of forgot that it was time to update until the very last minute. This is what happens when you subtly screw with the daily routine of a VERY routine-driven creature; he straight-up forgets what day it is.

So, yeah. I don’t really have any thoughts to add to this comic other than that’s pretty much how bored I was by the end of Avatar… and I really AM freakishly annoying when playing Pikachu on Smash Bros… Oh and I predict that I’ll come up with a much funnier way of saying all this in a day or so. Taa daa!

(Historical Notes: I could remark on the dated nature of the Avatar and Wii references here, or I could remark on how dated in a different way it is to draw an entire comic around me going out and engaging social situations, but what REALLY strikes me is how all these cartoony folks are caricatures of real people I hung out with back in the day… and I barely ever see ANY of them anymore.  It’s been years since I even THOUGHT about some of these dudes.  Weeeeeird.)