The real joke here is the implication that I actually read USA Today or the LA Times. I’m pretty sure that my grabbing those headlines was the first time I’d ever looked at either of their websites.

But yeah, the news just went out last week that there’s going to be a new Digimon series airing this summer (in Japan, at least) and it pretty much blew away any and every other bit of news I heard all week. I am a happy geek indeed!

Well, I wasn’t that happy while actually putting this page together. I did the final result, but the process of copying and pasting all the various elements was a frustrating one. The more steps there are to a process, the more chances I have to screw up, and I did PLENTY of that. But hey, like I said, I think the end result is quite nice. And really, how can I stay disgruntled when THERE’S GONNA BE A NEW DIGIMON SERIES!!!!!

(Historical Note: Xros Wars would go on to become my second favorite Digimon series after Tamers, at least as long as you don’t count Young Hunter, so THIS page isn’t really dated at all.  It IS sort of weird to see me actually complaining about copy/pasting rather than doing it all the frickin’ time… although, as I write this, I’m having to learn a whole new set of art program interfaces, so I SORT of see Past Me’s frustration.)