Dude, this was the WRONG cartoon to put off drawing until the last minute. It’d be hard enough to draw ANY character with KISS makeup on and keep it recognizable, but in this case I also had to teach myself how to draw the Higurashi crew from scratch. This may be the first Conventional Wisdom ever that required a rough draft. Oh, and by the way, I considered giving everyone authentic KISS costumes rather than just the make-up, but decided that’d make it too hard to recognize them as Higurashi characters. Well, at least I was able to get Satoko with Gene Simmon’s axe-bass. That’s something.

Also, this makes three random-crossover comics in a row. I gotta think of something different next week.

EDIT: now that I think about it, Mion probably should have been Gene and Satoko should have been Paul Stannley, not the other way around. Drat.