(Because I haven’t slept for a while and being tired makes me worry about irrational things and I’m suddenly terrified of some kid going to Reddit or Tumblr or whatever complaining about that one webcomic that hates that one YouTube show, let me take a moment to point out that I have nothing against references to Game Grumps… I’m just not making any Sad Hoshi jokes specifically)

Well, time for my second new con of 2016: Hoshicon! The odd thing is, part of me feels like I’ve already BEEN to Hoshi at this point. A lot of Conventional Wisdom merch was sold here even when I wasn’t there for it, and Triad was in the same hotel that Hoshi was that year. Time finally go all the way and come that much closer to attending EVERY con in the state!

So, if you’ve never seen Conventional Wisdom before (this IS a new con, after all), there’ll be a big batch of journal comics about everything I do at the con in… about a week or so after the con ends (and a second batch of comics for Patreon a week or so after that). If you HAVE seen Conventional Wisdom before, this update will probably be a little different from the past year or so, since I don’t have a SINGLE panel to host or Artist Alley table to watch. That’s right, folks! NOT ONE SINGLE COMIC OF ME COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW I HAVE TO SIT AT A TABLE! I’m not even sure I REMEMBER how to draw anything else!

(Historical Notes: Okay, so… this is an interesting one.  Past Me really bigs up how this was my first Hoshicon, but the more interesting thing turned out to be how this was my LAST Hoshicon… because Hoshicon ISN’T anymore.  I can’t not mention that the con imploded after this, but it’s a bit hard to navigate around how TO mention it.  See, this wasn’t one of “those” convention horror stories where some big spectacular disaster happened that weekend and the event never recovered, as far as anybody could tell when I was there, this was just another small-scale con.  It was behind the scenes drama after the fact that sank Hoshicon, stuff I only heard about from other people later on.  And that’s the weird bit: I was told all that stuff in confidence, on the promise that it wouldn’t go into any comics… except that was years ago, and pretty much all the Dark Dirty Secrets I was told is common knowledge now if you know where to look.  So I probably COULD get away with repeating that gossip myself and not feel bad about it… except that I WOULD feel bad about it anyway, and don’t wanna.  It’s kind of a moot point, though, because it’s still stuff I wasn’t there for, and when I’m not making up entirely fictional conventions, I do prefer to limit Conventional Wisdom to the stuff I saw with my own eyes.  So let’s just dive in and we’ll see what happens. Also, before I forget, MAN I get paranoid and defensive about The Internet when I haven’t slept, don’t I?)