That’s right! Anybody going to Hoshicon has a chance to be the FIRST PEOPLE EVER to buy some shiny, colorful new Conventional Wisdom prints! Look for them at GreatSG Creation‘s table in the Dealer’s Room, and also buy some of those freakin; awesome pearler sprites while your at it! (and remember, it’s in the DEALER’S ROOM, not Artist Alley. This tables over where the Big Boys are selling THEIR stuff)

And just in case the comic didn’t make this clear enough, I personally will not be at the con, so no Hoshicon comics next week. Hopefully next year I’ll be able to go, but for now, it’s just the merchandise. SO BUY SOME!

(Historical Notes: Several odd bits about this one.  For one thing, there’s the simple fact that this was THE FIRST TIME EVER my stuff was sold in an Artist Alley… AND I WASN’T EVEN THERE.  How does THAT happen?  Second, by the time I finally DID make it down to Hoshi, I was already entering into my cynicism about making money at cons, so my first appearance at the sight of my first Artist Alley sales saw me not even TRYING to sell anything in Artist Alley.  Finally, the very fact that I’m mentioning Hoshicon at all makes this a weird one, since I believe this is the first time the comic has mentioned a convention that would end up folding.  Speaking of my cynicism about cons and money, I’m surprised it hadn’t happened before this point.)