So, I’m writing this very early Sunday morning, but I think I can safely predict this is what I’ll be like by the time you read this. Yes, after months and months of bellyaching about it, I’ll FINALLY be out of Washington DC and back to North Carolina… and if the amount of sleep I’ve already gotten lately (none) is any indication, I’ll be utterly exhausted by the time everything’s unloaded. Thus, I’m tossing this little doodle up in advance (Also, It’ll cover my butt just in case there’s a problem hooking my computer up)

(Historical Notes: There’s something funny about the fact that I bailed out of DC mere days before the 4th of July.  Independence indeed.But yes, at long last I was FINALLY out of that town I’d grown to hate so much, and it goes without saying I was… really depressed for a long time.  This is another thing I’ve gone into more elsewhere, but this was the first time I’d ever had to completely give up on something I’d fully invested myself into, and the fact that it’d been a HUGE mistake didn’t prevent the whole experience from really doing a number on me mentally and emotionally.  I feel like part of me STILL hasn’t fully gotten over it; like leaving involved shorting out the “drive to accomplish things” center of my brain, since it had never had to deal with being latched onto a fundamentally wrong idea before.  Let this being a warning to you, kids.  Nothing good ever comes from moving to The Big City.)