…and as this update limps its way across the finish line, we can at least take comfort in the knowledge that this stupid running gag has managed to stay alive.  Admittedly, it’s really less “chiptune cover” than “cheap auto-generated midi version” but when the YouTube algorithm itself decides to get in on perpetuating my own jokes, who am I to refuse?

But yes, that’s the end of Conventional Wisdom’s “trip” to Cosplay America 2022.  I’ll say again, I’m shocked that I wound up getting a whole dozen comics out of this weekend… and even MORE shocked that there’s still going to be a couple extra pages going up on Patreon after this.  But by far the BIGGEST shock is, even after this unmitigated disappointment, I’m NOT washing my hands of this whole webcomic and just giving up.  In fact, I’ll actually be at ANOTHER con this very weekend!  …for a single day, since that’s as long as it’ll go.  I’ll just preemptively say right now that we WON’T get a full dozen pages out of this next one…