Hey there, internet user!  Did you think that cosplay convention I only kinda sorta covered earlier was too small scale and regional to be relevant to your interests?  Well guess what!  Here’s something EVEN SMALLER!  Yep, I’m actually covering the tiny little local con right here in town, almost entirely because it’s cheep and literally within walking distance.  Hey, after the money I spent on Cosplay America, I NEED some extra content with a minimal investment.

But yeah, just so we’re all clear on what’s happening, this “con” is basically just a Dealer’s Room that operates for one day, and I think there’s a cosplay contest at some point.  No panels, no concerts, no big events, so don’t expect a thirty-comic-long epic here.  I’m not anticipating getting more than, at MOST, six or seven pages of content out of this little jaunt.  But hey, that’s six or seven pages more than you’d be getting if I just sat at home all day.  So let’s see what happens!