Well THAT was abrupt, wasn’t it?  Amazingly, after all these years of going to cons, this was somehow the VERY FIRST TIME I’ve ever called it quits on a con early.  Oh, I’ve left in more of a hurry than normal for fear of weather, and I’ve even left FOR a con early to be on the right side of the weather, but I’ve never pulled the plug on a whole day before.  Obviously, it changed things a lot when I started commuting to these things rather than staying at the hotel, otherwise this probably WOULD have happened a lot before.  To be honest, though, my biggest disappointment about missing Sunday is just that I didn’t get more of a story out of it.  I was half-hoping something crazy would happen on the way back Saturday night, or some really wacky twist would hit the next morning.  But nope!  It was just “Well, I’m not driving in THAT.  Guess I’ll just wander around the neighborhood and peacefully take pictures to post on Facebook.”  Hence the strategic use of Scribbles filler.

BUT FEAR NOT!  If this leaves you wanting more Conventional Wisdom, more is coming sooner than you think!  Just a mere week from now, I’m heading out to Winston-Salem for Triad Anime Con!  It’s been quite a few years, but I’m finally making back!  So watch the social medias for news and pictures and alerts when new comics start up again!

OH CRAP!  I totally forgot to plug the fact that is actually ISN’T the last Ichibancon 2022 comic!  There’s still a few more that’ll be going up on Patreon after this!  And there’ll also be extra Triad comics after the main chunk of THOSE are done!  So become a patron to read all those! I’m terrible at self promotion!