Hey man, some of us still bear the emotional scars of the trip to Katsucon last year.  Road trips and snow do not mix… even if it WAS wildly over blown. I mean, I can’t speak for how things went up North, but those of us down South didn’t see CRAP.

So, yeah! MAGFEST COMICS! I am SOOOO sorry everything was so late this time. I got a cataclysmicly late start, and as you can see, there was a LOT of material to sort through. I mean, I dropped a LOT of planned comics, and this still ended up being the single longest update Conventional Wisdom has EVER had (I think… I’m really sleepy right now, but I THINK this beats the longest Otakon by one page)

So… uh… yeah… Brain is shutting down fast… BUT KATSUCON IS NEXT WEEK HOLY CRAP WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!?!?!?!?

(Historical Notes: The really ironic thing is there would ABSOLUTELY be colder, snowier MAGFests than this, but even those didn’t really affect our actual travel days.)