No, really, see for yourself.  I have to make my own endings a lot.  Also, I’m not sure why I’m acting like this is a weird subject to work into these comics.  Why WOULDN’T I be a fan of a crass, corporate attempt by the entertainment industry to pander to a subculture’s interests for purely profit-driven reasons?  I’m already an anime fan!  Of course, the REAL punchline is, even after trying so hard to find an album for cheep, I still wound up paying even more than the price of the one I found for a big ol’ stack of 45s that I ALSO bought.  Even at 25¢ a piece, it still really piled up.  It’s the record industry version of in-game micro-transactions.

But yeah, that’s it for Triad 2022!  Except NOT REALLY because I’ve still got a few more comics that are going exclusively to Patreon!  As always, if you want more, it only costs $1 for full comic access, while $2 and up also gets you access to blogs and stuff.  (There also more for higher levels, but you can hop on over to Patreon and find out that stuff for yourself)  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go spend the next few weeks scrambling to get some extra Far Out There pages done in preparation for the NEXT con…