…well, I guess I had to end up forgetting SOMETHING on Saturday, didn’t I?  But yeah, this was easily the single dumbest cosplay brain fart I’ve had at a con.  Ironically, the SECOND dumbest thing was the time that I THOUGHT this had happened but actually didn’t.  And no, that one AUSA comic doesn’t count, because the pants bit there was just for comedy’s sake… because Past Me USED to think this was the sort of thing that I’d never be dumb enough to actually do in real life.

But regarding the things I’m totally not gonna complain about here, what WAS up with the lack of water in the con?  There were some half-full coolers up on the top floor, apparently left over from whatever the previous event had been, but I never saw ANYTHING down in Triad’s section.  Isn’t that kind of a big deal?  Like, can’t you get it trouble for that?