It’s not hypocrisy when I totally abandon whatever opinions I previously expressed if it looks like doing so will be to my own benefit.  It was hypocrisy when I pretended to have any values that weren’t entirely impulsive and self-serving in the first place.

No, but seriously, I’ll often joke about wearing the MST3k costume mostly so that the Dads stuck bringing their kids to these things can have at least one costume they recognize.  Glad to see those Dads have taken it upon themselves to raise their children right (well, aside from the part where they allow their kids to go to anime conventions)

Oh, and if you’re trying to figure out which anime these costumes are from, that means you clearly aren’t a patron!  I’ve been doing a series of blogs over on Patreon where I take songs I think would make for good anime themes and try to imagine what those anime would be like.  It’s really helping me stock up on fictional shows to reference in these comics, and way more fun that, ya know, actually keeping up with the current state of the industry.  If you ever wanna know what the stories behind these weird characters are, though, you’ll have to become at least a $2 a month patron to read those blogs! (…or just poke around my deviantArt page, cos I posted the art from the old blogs there, too.  But you still need to be a patron to actually read the blogs themselves and see what the songs are!)