I have utterly sacrificed all credibility with this comic.  Everything is lies.  Shameful, SHAMEFUL lies.  I… I *sob* I ACTUALLY WORE THE DR. FORRESTER COSTUME ON SATURDAY AND THE BRAY WYATT ONE ON SUNDAY MORNING BEFORE CHANGING OUT IN THE AFTERNOON!  The day titles in these panels are totally inaccurate!  How will anyone every trust me again?  I’M A SHAM!!!

…no, but seriously, I fudged the pacing here because this comic is the end result of combining two ideas into one.  There were a LOT of little kids running around this con, especially on Sunday.  This is not a new observation, I’ve brought it up before.  I used to think seeing kids as cons was cute, but now it really bothers me ‘cos ya’ll are all horrible predators and should be legally bared from being in the same room as children.  That’s beside the point, though, because idea no. 2 is all about the “on Sunday” part.

Both sides of this comic make more sense if you remember that my whole impression of anime conventions was set back in “the olde days.”  Yeah, I know that’s a hilarious thing to say about the mid-aughts; the con scene had already morphed and mutated through several generations by the time I showed up.  But even then, the post-Pokemon boom kids hadn’t QUITE worked up the courage to start going to scary cons when I did, so I got to taste the scene when it was still mostly college aged and over.  Everybody was a lot taller, yes, but there were also a lot more out-of-towners who had to leave early and a lot FEWER locals who only swooped in for one day.  What I’m saying is, Sunday used to be DEAD.  Like, even worse than Thursday Pre-Con.  Everyone was either scrambling to check out and get home before work on Monday, or just stumbling around hung over and exhausted.  Not that doesn’t happen NOW, obviously, but these days it’s offset by a sudden influx of kids whose parents would only spring for the con’s cheapest day.  Seeing all these hyper children running around on Sunday, with the energy to COSPLAY no less, will never not be weird to me.  Look, I’m an old dog and I’ve already learned my tricks.  This is well established.

Also, mask enforcement got EXTREMELY lax by Sunday afternoon.  Just sayin’

OH, also other comic news! If you like those weekly Cardcaptor Sakura comics I keep posting across social media, or if you DON’T like them, you really need to head over to my Patreon.  These comics go up there many weeks before the general public sees them, and I’m close to the end of season 1.  $5 and up patrons get to vote on whether I do the rest of CCS or start doing another show.  If you have an opinion either way, go drop me a fiver and make your voice heard!  (The vote is for “do something else” at the moment, if that motivates you)