For context, Bray Wyatt had been fired from WWE a week or two before this con, and WWE still owns the rights to all his gimmicks, so obviously even when Windham Rotunda makes his inevitable return to the ring, it won’t be with any of his Firefly Funhouse gear.  And hey, it’s rare for me to have a shot at being topical about  ANYTHING these days, so I might as well take advantage of the opportunity.

…but I sure didn’t take advantage of it for long, because it turns out this is ABSOLUTELY a costume to file under “Winter Only.” It’s far from the only one, obviously, but I guess it caught me a bit off guard since the last time I wore this to a con I had the opposite problem.  But hey, turns out that paper plate makes for a great fan!

One problem I had that was absolutely the SAME as last time was that frickin’ man-bun.  I very VERY rarely do anything more complicated with my hair than the most basic of ponytails, so this was kind of a nightmare to figure out all over again in a single morning.