…and I have to stress that I actually ENJOY cold weather.  As I write this, it’s the first cold snap after several unusually warm days, and my emotional and psychological well-being is legitimately improved by the sudden drop.  But I’m also not outside in short sleeves right now.  Just ‘cos I like the cold doesn’t mean I don’t need to be adequately prepared for it.

But forget all that, NEW COMICS ARE BACK!  Yep, and this page is actually several milestones all at once.  Not only is it the final Conventional Wisdom comic in not only the year but the entire DECADE, but it’s also the very first new comic to be posted on cwcomic.com, AND quite probably the last comic do be done on my old computer!  Yes, amid all the website upheaval and general seasonal craziness, I’m somehow ALSO drastically overhauling my entire tech setup.  Because I hate myself and want to be stressed out in every way possible, apparently.  Actually, I don’t think this will affect comic production TOO much.  All my art programs should still work on the new rig, and honestly, all this website stuff will still be a bigger distraction than any computer hassles.

Oh, and speaking of website stuff, I’VE GOT A NEW STORE PAGE SET UP!  Now you can buy all that totally awesome official ConCONcon merchandise you always wanted!