HOLY CRAP Ichibancon had a ton of kids. I mean, I know anime cons in general have been attracting younger crowds lately, but usually not THIS young. I dunno, maybe it’s because I’d just done MAGFest, and that’s primarily a drinkin’ age affair, but I don’t think it was just me who felt like Father Time.

So, not only did I feel like death when I arrived, but right away, my inner crotchety old man started to flare up.

(Historical Notes: I get saltier and saltier about this as time goes on… and yeah, I know the obvious joke is it’s just because I’m even OLDER now, but I mean besides that.  I’m fine with this whole wave of tumblr children having Baby’s First Con, everybody’s gotta start somewhere.  It just annoys me how EVERY convention, or at least every one in my neck of the woods, all seemed to pivot in that direction.  We need more explicitly “Old Guys Talking About Giant Robots” conventions for ME to go to, while all the kids can have their K-Pops and Night Vales and whatever over at THEIR convention, and we don’t have to bother each other.)