So, in case you forgot the end of MAGFest, I got hit with con crud BAD. As in a solid 48 hours of unable-to-stand, puking horrible death bad. I was mostly over it by the time I left for Ichi, but it still mean that I hadn’t REALLY recovered from MAGFest either.

It was not the right way to start off a weekend.

(Historical Notes: It’d be tempting to go on a big ol’ rant about how the bad experience that was this weekend really help kill whatever residual “magic” conventions still had for me, and instead definitively turned it into just a job… but there’ll be plenty of other chances to do that.  Instead, IT’S THE DEBUT OF THOSE KIDS!  I obviously don’t have their design quite down yet at this point; the Whovian’s hair isn’t quite right, and I apparently got Kyubey and Terriermon’s ears confused, but it’s still them!  Conventional Wisdom’s first non-actual-people recurring characters have debuted!)