So… this is an… interesting choice for a cover, huh? Yeah, I kind of didn’t get around to drawing one, what with the MAGFest update and the whole “horrifyingly ill right at the worst possible time” thing. So, clearly, the only reasonable course of action was to slap some post-it notes onto my computer screen and take a picture of it (my background must be really confusing that close up)

So, yeah, Ichibancon! This is gonna be my first trip down to this convention, so that’s cool. Also, I WILL have stuff for sale, so come buy things! If you’re lucky, I might even be at the table myself! (or unlucky, depending on whether or not this crud makes a comeback)

(Historical Notes: I’m trying to think of a clever way to introduce my first trip to Ichibancon that relates to how my LAST trip to Ichi turned out to be my last new con trip before this whole Enforced Hiatus started… but I can’t come up with anything that would become instantly dated the second I re-post the next set of comics… and AGAIN when I inevitably start going to cons again.  Instead, let’s laugh at the Alt Text acting like the use of photos in this comic was actually unusual once.)