Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaah… charming way to close out this update, but I know I’m not the only one this applies to. From what I hard, con crud hit MAGFest HARD this year (though I’m sure The Perfect Snow Storm help out a little)

The worst thing is, this is literally the ONLY reason this update wasn’t online days ago. I already had over half the pages written and inked before I even left Sunday. If I’d been able to work uninterrupted, I’d have had them all online by Tuesday night easily. But no, I had to spend all of Tuesday (and most of Wednesday) spewing ghastly death from ever orifice… Well, it’s all online now! Hope you guys like it!

As for me, as soon as I finish typing this, I’m gonna go get packed for Ichibancon! That’s right, I’m literally diving RIGHT into another convention, and I’m even gonna have another table to sell stuff! Sleep? What’s this SLEEP thing you keep mentioning? I’ve never heard of THAT…

(Historical Notes: As of this big 2020 break between conventions as I write this, the crunch week between MAGFest and Ichibancon ’14 remains one of the all-time most miserable experiences of my life.  I’ve said elsewhere that this was the sickest I’d ever been in my life, and while that wasn’t QUITE true, the fact that I had a whole second con to go to right afterwards sure made it FEEL worse than it was.  This really is the point where I started to re-think my whole approach to attending cons, right here.)