In case you somehow missed all the other times I’ve talked it up, I’ve begun offering bags full of merchandise as free prizes at cons. Originally, the idea was that these would be prizes for anyone who cosplayed as a character from Conventional Wisdom, Far Out There, or really any of my comics. Buuuuuut even the biggest of the big name comics barely ever get cosplayers (unless it’s Homestuck) so I’ve been trying to come up with additional at-con games to play with these prizes. So far, the best I’ve been able to come up with is “Find me on the con floor and ask for a prize” but I’m sure I’ll come up with something more fun eventually. That’s a good reason to keep an eye on my Twitter or Conventional Wisdom’s Facebook and tumblr: it could be your chance at wining a bag full of free stuff!

(Historical Notes: Oh, shut up, Past Me.  You would’ve needed post four times as much stuff on social media for five times as long as you did to even reach the BARE MINIMUM of the promotion you;d need for a stunt like this to actually work.  It’s a frickin’ miracle that even that one guy knew to ask about the bag o’ stuff, not something to pat yourself on the back over.)