For the record, this “free goodies for cosplay” offer will be good for other conventions, not JUST Animazement… but I don’t know for sure when the next I’ll have an Artist Alley table will be, and it’ll be a lot easier to claim your prize at a stationary table than just trying to find me wandering around the con.

But yes, I really, really want to see people cosplaying from Conventional Wisdom or Far Out There or something at one point, and this is my latest mad scheme to make it happen. Besides, who doesn’t like it when people give away free stuff? NOBODY!

(Oh, and if you don’t know what I meant by “Becky & Gilb”, check out that unfinished project)

(Historical Notes: Nobody ever took me up on this offer, which is to be expected, really.  It doesn’t really matter what incentives you offer if you don’t have enough of a public presence for people to hear about the offer, let along have enough content coming out for people to get wrapped up in enough to care.  That said, half the reason I did this was because people HAD told me they wanted to cosplay as characters from my stuff in the past, so I didn’t come up with this ENTIRELY on my own.  Honestly, this and Patreon and Artist Alley combined taught me a lot of important lessons about how few of the people who say they’ll totally help you out actually do.)