Just in case you were wondering why there haven’t been any new Conventional Wisdom comics the past couple of weeks. First off, there HAVE been, I’ve just been making them for Patreon, so if you were donating money there, you’d bee seeing that stuff before everyone else.

But aside from all that, I’m sure this will come as a complete shock to everyone, but I got in the habit of only drawing Filler Comics, like, an hour or so the update was due. That actually worked out alright when I didn’t have much else to work on. I could just burn myself out over one 48 hour period doing pretty much all of that week’s stuff, then spend a couple days recharging. That’s… well, that’s not a good system in general, but it got worse and worse as I added more and more stuff to my To Do list. That’s the problem with trying to get serious about stuff, you have to actually GET SERIOUS ABOUT IT and actually set reasonable schedules for yourself. That is not a thing I’m good at. Heck, it feels like I’ve been scrambling to catch up on SOMETHING ever since Christmas, since “caught up” still meant “not starting until it’s honestly too late already”.

SOOOOOOooooo I’m trying to get better about building up backlogs of material, so that one extra project won’t throw EVERYTHING off for weeks and weeks anymore. Till then, Filler Comics are on a very When I Can Do One schedule. Hopefully I’ll have enough stuff built up that we can go back to weekly fillers after Animazement, we’ll see.

(Historical Notes: Yeeeeeaaaaah, you can see the fundamental problems of the Patreon manifesting pretty early on, huh?  Of course, it ALSO demonstrates the fundamental problems of my whole creative process in the first place.  The more elaborate the art in these comics got, especially once the photo elements became more common, the more time I was going to need to actually do anything.  Foiled again by the linear progression of time.)