Yeah… I guess the guy who claims to be a cartoonist probably should have known then Desperate Attempt To Get People Into Comic Book Stores Day was, but no. Everyplace was a zoo. A backpack-wearing, body spray covered, occasionally cosplaying zoo. Actually, that IS good preparation for a con, now that I think about it. Buuuut it did mean I wound up having to drive way, way father out of my way to actually do the stuff I set out to do in the first place. And THAT is why you always order your supplies online… and don’t wait until a few weeks before the con.

And speaking of bags, did you remember that I’m giving away bags of free stuff to anyone who shows up at Animazement cosplaying as a character from one of my comics?  Cos that’s still a thing, and now I actually have bags!

(Historical Notes: I’ve occasionally wondered if I should make up my own Free Comic Day booklet and send packs of ’em out to the local comic shops.  But then I remember that I looked over a jam pack table full of free comics on this day… and not one of them even remotely interested me.  The implication, then, is that anything I might offer wouldn’t be of any interest to anyone who WOULD gobble that stuff up.  I mean, I often have trouble giving my stuff away for free at actual anime conventions, never mind the Real World.)