Actually, the REAL proof I’m getting old is that my first inclination is to draw myself as a tiny child when recalling events that happened when I was TWENTY.  No, but seriously, even when I actually WAS a small child in the late 80s, I was already exclusively consuming media from the 50s and 60s.  I have always existed years and years out of step with the world around me.

Looking back over the finished comic, though, I feel like I should establish that the dude in the last panel isn’t meant to be any specific real person… because in my mission to just draw the most generic-looking Old Otaku Guy that I could, I inadvertently drew a guy SO generic that it kinda actually does look like several real people I know.  So if you also find yourself thinking “Oh, I remember THAT guy,” no you don’t.

But those really ARE authentic Animazement pictures from back in the Sheraton Imperial, so if you somehow recognize one of THOSE people, then you’re on to something!