Well, it’s that time again, back to the hometown con! And that cover picture is only slightly off from reality: I’ve got a BUNCH of new stuff to give out in Artist Alley. And yes, I said GIVE away, a lot of this stuff is TOTALLY FREE! Sure, some of it you have to be cosplaying as a character from one of my webcomics to get, but that’s still free! And there’s even more stuff that’s up for anybody to just come by and grab! And, you know, new things to BUY, too. Can’t forget that stuff. (Oh, and be sure to come see Awesomely Bad Japanese Music Videos and Shoujo Rock Heaven on Friday!)

Oh, and if you’re only visiting this page AFTER the con and wonder where all the new comics are, be patient! I should have them online in about a week or so, with an extra batch of comics on Patreon a week after that. See ya then!

(Historical Notes: This one image is also what the entire site relocation process has felt like)