Yeeeeaaaah… I didn’t make quite as much money as I’d hoped at AZ this year, mostly because the overwhelming majority of new stuff I brought with me was stuff I brought specifically to give away for free. And all the new stuff I DID make was merchandise for Far Out There and a new Conventional Wisdom compilation. That is, original material: the stuff that NO PERSON WHO’S EVER SHOPPED IN ARTIST ALLEY HAS ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT. The worse thing is, I DO have some new parody print designs I’ve wanted to do for a while, but they’re just too far down the To-Do List.

Oh, and those bags of free stuff for any cosplayers? I’ve still got those, and I’ll be bringing a few to pretty much any con I attend from now on. So there’s always a chance for you to claim one!

(Historical Notes: Yes. Good.  Goooooooood!  Give in to your bitterness, Past Me!  Let your saltiness flow forth!  Drop the facade of being happy with the whole convention scene and just be HONEST about how sick of it all you’re getting!  STRIKE THEM DOWN WITH ALL OF YOUR HATRED AND YOUR JOURNEY TOWARDS THE DARK SIDE WILL BE COMPLETE!)