Have I mentioned not liking the hotel scramble recently?

Actually, it’s funny: in the recent batch of old comic re-posts, I came a cross a page from Escapist Expo 2013 about how much BETTER staying at the con hotel is than commuting.  That was only the second convention where I wasn’t staying within walking distance of the con, and the first ever where I just straight up drove from home, and in all fairness to Past Me, I did NOT know what I was doing.  I had a lot to learn about time management for the drive, and even more to learn about stocking up the van to serve as a temporary base of operations, so that weekend WAS a lot more inconvenient than later con commutes would be.  More importantly, though, I still didn’t have a lot of direct experience with how bad the room reservation experience could be.  I still had memories of the con scene being MUCH smaller than it was becoming, and on top of that I usually just got invited to room with friends who actually did all they planning themselves.  It’s easy to think having a hotel room is totally the best when you don’t have to do any of the stressing out to GET it.  The more I DID get involved in it, the more I discovered it just wasn’t worth it.

Oh, and if you’re reading this when it’s new, you know this didn’t come out on Wednesday.  Sorry about that, but a perfect storm of real life distractions, too many other projects taking up time, and this page needed a pretty drastic conceptual overhaul really bogged things down.  I’m gonna try to have next week’s page be a little more straightforward, and HOPEFULLY it won’t take as long to get finished.