I’m gonna feel really dumb if it turns out I’ve done this before.  I know for a fact that I’ve done multiple “LOL crowded van is crowded” comics over the years, and I also know that “LOL let’s tape somebody on the roof” has been my stock joke while packing for even longer.  But I FEEL like I’ve never actually used the later as the punchline for the former, probably because it felt just a BIT too far beyond what actually happened.  Obviously, I don’t need to worry about what “really happened” at ConCONcon, so here we go… except now I’m worried that I actually DID use this gag somewhere in the past and just can’t remember.  The longer this webcomic exists, the harder it is to keep track of what gags I have or haven’t already done. (That’s one thing I really like about the new website setup.  Once everything is re-posted, being able to browse by tags will make it a LOT easier to go back and check for this kind of thing)  So, yeah, sorry if this is an unintentional rehash.  If nothing else, we can be sure that Those Kids were never a part of the gag before!

…oh, and insert the standard “this is why I try not to travel to cons out of state anymore” rant HERE.