…and ANOTHER long wait between new pages.  I swear I’m not INTENTIONALLY turning Conventional Wisdom into a bi-weekly comic, it just keeps working out that way.  THIS time, the problem is that I wanted the old re-posts to get to the point where a set of Otakon comics would be ready to go up on what would have been 2020’s weekend.  And it worked out!  It took a CRAP TON on re-editing and re-posting of other stuff to finally get to that point, but it’s done, and I can finally draw some NEW stuff again!

So, some people might find the situation depicted here a bit ridiculous.  After all, us Grumpy Old Otaku are always complaining about how Kids These Days don’t know anything about any shows more than a few years old, let alone twenty.  Still, if you’ve ever been to an Opening Ceremonies, or really ANY event where they rattle off a long list of the shows a guest has been involved in, you know for a fact that there’s always THAT show that everyone gets waaaaaaaay more excited about than any of the others.  And you also know how awkward it is when one of those “others” is the new thing they showed up to promote.

And yes, that’s yet more fictional anime names that won’t mean anything to anyone until I finally build that ConCONcon wiki I keep talking about…