Well now, THIS is a totally unbiased and even-handed comic, huh?  No strawmen getting knocked over here, no sir!  Yeah, I actually had to go back and re-write the lines in the first panel to make my “idealized” panel a bit more laughable, just so this page wouldn’t ENTIRELY boil down to “screw you hipster millennial.”

But seriously, half the reason I quit bothering with webcomic panels is because there AREN’T really any “intermediate & up” panels, just intros for beginners.  I understand why this tends to happen; you don’t really have control over who’s going to wander into a panel, and if you DO have any beginners, you’ve got to feed them be basics before any of the upper level stuff will make any sense to them.  Still, if you’ve already been doing this for years and want useful advice on what do in that stage of your career, it’s not very helpful to hear yet another introductory spiel about how to come up with an idea and get it on paper.  And even that’s assuming the panel actually IS about the technical side of making art, and not just some basket case trying to be a roof full of people’s unlicensed therapist for an hour.

AND BECAUSE THIS IS THE INTERNET AND SOMEONE WILL COMPLAIN IF I DON’T: That’s not a dig at therapy and all that, of course taking care of mental health is important and should be taken.  In fact, I may take it more seriously than most people, since I think you should only go giving life advice to others if you’ve got a solid background of training and experience in the field.  You know, not reading a bunch of tumblr posts and going around telling people what YOU would’ve liked to hear without stopping to figure out what THEY need.  Yes, there’s people out in the conventionsphere who really, genuinely want to help out other people, but there’s even more using “helping others” as a means of working through their OWN crap, and that’s just dangerous.

EDIT: Just throwing this in, but I REALLY wanted to slip in some fictional webcomics for these people to have worked on, because of COURSE I have list of imaginary webcomics to go along with my list of imaginary anime.  Sadly, these lines were already pretty clunky on their own, trying to shoehorn in that extra bit just didn’t work