I’ve kind of done a page on the whole “nerds don’t know when to shut up” topic, several times in fact (note to Future Me: remember to come back and put a link to that one ConCONcon 2019 page when it’s finally re-posted), but this one’s less about the talking specifically and more the socially awkward disregard of other’s personal space.  If you’ve been to enough cons, especially smaller ones where it’s easier to cross paths with the same folks over and over, you’ve had this happen at LEAST once.  Some rando who recognizes your costume or likes your t-shirt or was in line for the same thing as you decides that fleeting moment of contact means you’re now best friends.  Bonus points if that one thing that drew his attention is literally the only things he has to talk about.  Look, I’m the last person in the WORLD to give anybody else lectures on how to be a social butterfly, I’m awkward as all get out, but that’s why I try to avoid imposing myself onto others without their express consent.  I know conventions love to big up how they’re safe places where any geek and make new friends and whatever, but they put WAAAY too much faith in their own attendees’ ability to do that in a way that anyone else actually wants to experience.

Also, replace Other Guy with me, and replace Me with The Reader, and this page also illustrates what I feel like every time I try to squeeze details about one of these fictional shows into a comic.