This is a SLIGHT exaggeration, if only for the fact that I kept all my insane screaming in my head rather than broadcasting it across all of Cleveland Park.

But yeah, in case you’re new to the comic, I lived in Washington DC for a few years, and worked at a restaurant one Metro stop away from the AUSA hotel. I have few fond memories of either. Thus, I made a point walking up there this year JUST to gloat at the sight of the restaurant being shut down.

…well, okay, not JUST. As much as I don’t miss living in DC, it IS still a pretty gorgeous city to just walk around in, especially this time of year, with all the leaves changing color. I actually kind of regretted that I eventually had to stop wandering around and go set up the Artist Alley table (but then, I’ll regret having to do manual labor under any circumstances)

(Historical Notes: Past Me had to go back and rewrite the first line of these comments back in the day, because my original statement about “not wanting to attract attention to myself” was a straight up lie.  Randomly pulling out a stuffed animal to take pictures of it in front of an empty storefront ABSOLUTELY drew attention.  Also, the last I checked, that spot is STILL vacant.  Apparently Cleveland Park as a whole really dried up in the years after I left.  Do I bring that up in a later comic?  I can’t remember.)