I’m almost positive I’ve done a cover page like this once before, but I think you can gather from the context of this image why I didn’t have time to go back and find out. Yes, I’ve once again spent every single fleeting moment leading up to the con trying to get stuff done. Why, you ask? Well, for the first time ever, I’m actually selling stuff at AUSA! Come sniff me out in Artist Alley and buy some stuff! …or just buy some stuff of my stuff from one of my friends, since I have a really bad habit of not staying at the table for very long (Hey, I gotta go find SOMETHING to write about in these comics) But seriously, I’ve actually got some brand new Conventional Wisdom goodies to sell this weekend, so come check ’em out.

…and if you can’t drop by DC this weekend to buy something, never fear! You can always become a supporter on Patreon! Not only will you get the immense personal satisfaction of hiving me a few dollars every month, but you’ll have access to a whole SLEW of extra comics! Like, say, the EXTRA BATCH OF AUSA COMICS that’ll go up on Patreon a week after the main update is posted here! Don’t want to miss out on any of the AUSA story? Well, you can see all the comics for as little as One Dollar A Month!

(Historical Notes: It was correctly pointed out that I totally ripped off the previous year’s Animazement cover here.  Also, I’ve really been trying to cut back on my caffeine intake lately, before my head literally explodes.  As of summer 2020, my blood is still 50% soda, but I’ve successfully weened myself off energy drinks, so THAT should add a few years onto my life.)